Thursday, March 27, 2014

sense and sensibility of MH 370

day 20 of MH370 went missing

Malaysians are trying very hard to solve this mystery and yet some organization are making it harder on us.

form what i see MH370 brings us closer togather

1. Ahmad Jauhari is MAS CEO
-he was devestated when MH370 went missing
- he is the man responssible of recovery of unprofitability of MAS in 2013,
returning MAS net profit of  51.4 milion ringgit for the fourth quarter, reversing 1.3 bilion ringgit loss last year 

2. MAS and boeing are facing lawsuit from the family members of flight victim MH370
from what i think these people are trying to get money
our goverment are searching to hard for the MH370 and its passenger, whilst these irresponsible people only think about how to gain money
did they ever think that riding a plane will be safe?
did MAS or boeing ever guarenteed any of their passanger to be safe on flight?
but boeing 777-200 had also faced lawsuit from passangers from accident in San Francisco last year

3. MAS record for accidents are few
worst was in 1997, when boeuing 737-200 was hijacked in Tanjung Kupang Johor and crashed killing all 100 people on board
the next worst accident was this MH370
for this MAS record for most safe flight is still not swayed

4. to answer why it takes so long for The Malaysian goverment to informed the public regarding news where the flight ended, only after day 17?
the data obtained was 4 days before the anouncement of MH370 flight eneded in Indian ocaean, 
analysis had been done from the AAIB coupled with inmersat engineers and satelite images, from these only the commitee decided that the plane ended there and i think many people out there who are throwing allegations saying Malaysian is hiding the truth, please think before opening up your pie hole. Malaysia is not holding anything back, the statement given by the authorities are what the journalist going to write on the papers or in the net, thus, any wrong statement can cause MAS stock market to go down.

5. in the midst of all this i think CNN has lost his credibility of its journalism
 without proper analysis of news they just wanted to boost up their ratings
just because somewhere from america the news was written it does not necesarly be true, 
OUR OWN news remains credible, simply becasue all of the info is from our prime minister who is directly involve in SAR

6. our SAR remains challenging because of the wether
SAR was on hold for 2 days due to bad wether, as the clouds were almost touching the sea

7. currently The US NAVY lent their towed ping locator to find the black box
however the black box only have a battery life that last for 30 days, currently the incident already 20 days ,
which means we are running out of time
the black box only left 10 days to be found by towed ping locator
if by 30 days we are still unable to accounter the black box a camera searching deviced might be used to locate the black box physically. some say they are using devices used by National Geography where they find the titanic under the ocean.

sonobouy by the US NAVY, thrown from p8 POSEIDON

The acting Minister of Transport Datuk Hishamuddin said we will not stop and tier of finding the aircraft.

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