Saturday, June 18, 2011
One day before class starts
So lately what i had been doing is
1.main game cityville ;)
2.puasa and sleep all day long hahaha
3. Watch movies
4.making bags
Monday, June 13, 2011
X men revised ;)

last week i went and watched PAUL, its not because i really wanted to too, its just there is no other movies to watch!
Sunday, June 12, 2011

whooooooooooooooo! X MEN franchis telah sekali lagi mengeluarkan another film selepas mereka telah berjaya menerbitkan 4 film X MEN yang lain... so kali ni Matthew Vaughan membawa kita kemabli ke zaman silam di mana bermulanye X MEN nih.. it all started with Charles Xavier (James McAvoy who i am so amazed because i thought he was an american who fluently speaks english!) anyway charles met Raven (Mystique) when they were young and suprisingly charles is a very flirtatious young men at which he likes to throw pick up lines using his speciality in human genetics i.e mutens! then the story shifted to the other main character Erick lechster (Magneto) best frinds of charles. from here we know how Erik do time in prison in Poland and he was a lab rat by this professor exploiting Erik's power so that he can have an ultimate one...
balik kampung
dah lama tak balik kampung so sesekali balik best gak..
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Wokeh hari ni kita review filem kongsi pulak ye..
Kongsi ialah sebuah filem arahan FARID KAMIL..
So at first masuk panggung ingat cite ni cite aksi la tp pas lelame tgk la cite lawak rupenyer..
Mula2 tgk tuh I was windering to myself la "kenapa sam ni pakai skirt?" hahaha but the others yg tgk cerita tuh tak perasan sbnarnye dia pakai skirt wakakaka..then baby was like " shushhhhh tgk wayang la, tak boleh cakap" =.= hahahhaha
The story goes like this,
Ade satu mamat ni nama dia temulak, he was ordered to come to malaysia to kill gangsters in malaysia..
So his planned was to kill the gangster in every race macam india cina melayu la..then sume org tuduh sesame sendiri,
Dia dapat extra bantuan dari boss dia pakai sniper tapi dia ta reti pasang.
The police were looking la for this killer thought it was the works among of the gangsters, tapi last2 diorang dapa t cam la sape, and the one of the police (fizzi omar) kenal dengan temulak (sam) ni..
Because last time he used to teach temulak tomoi kat border of kelantan-thai..
Cakap kelantan tapi tomoi la..
So ade mixture of thailand and kelantan di situ..
After they identified the killer police went looking la for temulak from here he device a plan macam mana tak nak be so conspicuos in the same time nak tamat kan kerje dia lah..
He wanted to kill one more person mikail.. He nearly had mikail masa kat rumah dia tapi tak sempat nak bunuh coz pembantu rumah dia selamat kan dia..well the maid was actually a police undercover..then Mikail ran to save himself to Mat Jawa punye house...he asked his assistant (boboy) to pick up his wife and kids balik umah mak mertua dia..huhu I mean se gangster mana pun tetap jaga family na..
Pastu the whole gangster dah dapat tahu yang temulak ni la angkara they all buru la temulak..
Last2 temulak nak terjun masuk sungai KELANG tapi terperangkap dalam lumpur hhaahaha
Tapi bukan je lawak je cite ni...ade aksi turns out sam tu boleh gomo..hahaha so banyak la aksi tumbuk2 sepak2 lawan2 best gak..
Yang police car rase tu pun not bad la I rase for malaysian film..
What I like about this film is
- Bahasa thai diorang macam ori la, macam lagi fasih cakap thailand dari cakap kelantan hahaha
- Watak sam tu ok la
- Aksi not bad
- Car chase pun not bad
What I think they should think about in this film
1. baiki la plot tu macam kelakar pulak..tapi sebenarnye film ni was made that way kot...tgk pastu tak payah pikir..i mean ye la kenapa boss temulak tu hantar dia pergi bunuh gangster..nak kucar kacir kan gangster tu pasai pa? I mean what's in it for him?
2. I think mmg banyak actress yg seksi2 tp tah cite ni kire sopan la gak..cume bile lari2 tu minah2 tu goyang2 hahaha..should shoot from different angle kot..
3. yelah yg last nak ending tu kenapa diorang kejar si temulak tu I mean kalau ade orang pijak kerete hang ada ka hang nak pi kejar depa, pastu tinggai keta hang terbukak? Pelik tak? Hahaha
Monday, June 6, 2011

Owh yeah the awesomeness has arrived!
This time its kungfu panda 2!
Craving for more of kung fu panda after the first one!
Seperti cerita kungfu panda yang pertama PO kembali dengan the furious five untuk menentang LORD SHEN yang jahat!
Lord shen telah mencipta satu senjata yang spit fire and metal serta telah mengalahkan master kungfu thundery rhino..dia bercadang untuk menakluki china dengan ciptaanya..
Maka dengan itu PO dan the furious five pun pergi lah ke bandar untuk defeat the evil lord shen!
At first the story starts with PO fighting a band of bandits at which tiba2 dia kaget apabila melihat logo di armor serigala hodoh itu..dia teringgat zaman kanak2 dia..
Dia teringgat mak dia mase dia kecik dulu..
Bila PO sampai ke bandar untuk mengalahkan lord shen dia menyingkap kisah2 lama sewaktu dia kecil dan apa jadi kepada keluarganye..
Rupa2nya lord shen telah meghapuskan semua panda2 yang ada di china..well mengikut dia la..but he didn't know that PO got away…
The reason why lord shen si merak ni nak bunuh snagat panda is because ade la seekor kambing biri2 yang telah mengeluarkan prophecy bahawa lord shen akan di tewaskan oleh pahlawan hitam putih..which basically they thought it was a panda..tapi TAPIR pun hitam putih kan? Zebra pun same kan?? Wkakakakka
But in the end PO telah menemui inner peace nyer dan telah mendefeatkan lord shen!
Last skali semua penonton akan terpegun bahawa bapak dan mak PO tak mati lagi instead they were living in a place balik bukit where they tanam padi and his father is also a kungfu warrior..!! How awesome is that?? :)
The cute part was when abah tiri PO jumpe po kat dalam a crate of Radish where every morning he will go and pick up his vegetable at the back of his noodle shop..
At first he didn't want to take PO in but he saw how hungry the poor little panda was and gave him pau to eat..the panda followed the trail of food and from that moment the itik decided to not make noodles with radish and keep PO instead.. He feed PO until he was so big!
He was so cute back then and PO is still cute now :)
Happy watching!
Best gile kot cerita tuh :)
Thursday, June 2, 2011
ice skating!
ice skating is the most painful experience i have ever had when im in 26yo..hahhaaha
yeay mase g ipoh tempoh hari
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
abg mat's baby= amir..yg comel!
yeah akhirnye pergi gak holiday